Manfaatkan Situs-situs Social Bookmarking Sebagai Alternatif Penghasilan Anda!
Apakah anda pengguna Digg, Delicious, StumbleUpon, sebagai alternatif mempopulerkan blog/artikel anda? Apakah anda pengguna Youtube, Dailymotion, Metacafe, YahooVideo! untuk saling bertukar koleksi video anda? Apakah anda pengguna Imeem sebagai media bertukar music favorit anda? Ada kabar baik bagi anda, dengan bergabung pada situs-situs social bookmarking tersebut anda bisa mendapatkan penghasilan tambahan.
Adalah Subvert and Profit, layanan Casting Votes yang akan membayar anda mulai $0.6, hingga $0.75 untuk setiap task yang anda terima. Berikut daftar lengkap layanan-layanan yang didukung oleh Subvert and Provit serta komisi yang akan anda dapatkan untuk setiap task yang saya kutip dari situs aslinya.
Dailymotion is a video sharing site.
You will be paid $0.60 per task.
Delicious is a highly popular bookmarking site.
You will be paid $0.60 per task.
We’ll help get you on the front page of Digg, where your content can receive 10,000 to 100,000 visitors.
You will be paid $0.75 per task.
dzone is a social bookmarking site for developers.
You will be paid $0.60 per task.
Flixster is a movie rating site.
You will be paid $0.60 per task.
Furl lets you save links that you find on the Web.
You will be paid $0.60 per task.
Over 30 million people use iLike to share their musical tastes.
You will be paid $0.60 per task.
imeem is a social network for people who love media. Media includes music, video, and photos.
You will be paid $0.60 per task.
Kongregate is a social gaming site.
You will be paid
LiveVideo is a live video streaming site.
You will be paid $0.60 per task.
At Ma.gnolia, members save websites as bookmarks and then tag them.
You will be paid $0.60 per task.
Metacafe is a video entertainment site.
You will be paid $0.60 per task.
Mixx is similar to Digg. People submit links to pages, which members then vote on. The most popular content makes it to the front page.
You will be paid $0.60 per task.
MySpaceTV is like YouTube for MySpace users.
You will be paid $0.60 per task.
Newsvine is a social news community. It’s updated instantly and read frequently.
You will be paid $0.60 per task.
Propeller is a social bookmarking site.
You will be paid $0.60 per task.
Sphinn is a news site for Internet marketing professionals.
You will be paid $0.60 per task.
StumbleUpon has a broad base of 4.1 million users. Its traffic flow is more linear than that of other social media sites.
You will be paid $0.75 per task.
Yahoo! Video
Yahoo! Video is a pop-culture mashup. It features music videos and news, sports, autos, comedy, TV clips, and movie previews.
You will be paid $0.60 per task.
YouTube is the biggest video site on the Web.
You will be paid $0.60 per task.
Selain anda bisa mempopulerkan artikel, video, music maupun blog anda, anda juga bisa mendapatkan penghasilan tambahan. Mereka akan membayar, setelah balance kita mencapai $10 via AlertPay. Berminat mencoba? Silahkan daftar di sini, gratis. Bagaimana cara kerjanya? Nantikan postingan selanjutnya!
Salam sukses, and let's thinks free with a2i3s!
boleh di coba neh...
hehhehhehheheh :D
thanks infonya
Wah... saya masih bingung...
Tungguin posting selanjutnya aja ah... Biar mudeng dulu... :P
hmmm...layak di coba..thanks ya infonya..
maish binun.tapi coba jalan2 ke TKP.siapa tau berhasil.
wah thanks ni kang cik akh bade dicobian heula .....siapa tahu bisa ikutan
iya blm mudeng....
Thanks yah, Azies, atas artikelnya... :)
bingung... *secara daku lemah di bidang delicious n bookmark2 :(*
Hi, thanks for visit, I'm visiting you back :)
nice article, good job bro...
Wah... salah satu SEO nih.. bener bgt tuh manfaatin social bookmarking :)
Wah, banyak inspirasi jg disini... di copy ya boss. ntar dipake deh
Thanks for share this likely information.
Hey, how did you get t info? Its the great one, thanks for share. Spread it up my friend!!!
keren keren... tp blogku blm jd. ya gpp deh simpen aja dulu kali ya, ntar baru dcoba. makasih omm
waduhh banyak banget yakk..
harus dicobain satu2 nih??
wahh iya nihh...pucinggg:((
Lumayan tuh dibayar cuma iseng dapat berhadiah. Yang penting halal, masih banyak bisnis di internet yang mengilerkan.... ;)
dear friend, I'm not banned anyone who does not spam me, mistakes will be corrected
hi Dude, you are still my brother .. sorry that is not well .. I still visit you as the others .. also smile for you
Patut di Coba neh..
visiting u back n feeding dis site.. :D
boleh dicoba neh
Silahkan Mas, saia juga lagi nunggu bentar lagi nyampe PO nih, hehe... mudah-mudahan dalam dua hari kedepan bisa keliatan hasilnya :) Thanks kunjungannya.
nggak bisa daftar member baru lag ya??